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Anchor Integration Guide

This guide will show you how to integrate an Anchor Program into your React Native dApp, using the Anchor Counter dApp as reference.

What you will learn

  • How to import an Anchor Program into a React Native project
  • How to create an Anchor Wallet and Provider with Mobile Wallet Adapter
  • How to sign and submit transactions with an Anchor Program IDL
  • How to generate instructions with an Anchor Program IDL



Add the Anchor library to your React Native Project:


React Native apps should use Anchor v0.28.0 because later versions of the library have a polyfill issue on React Native.

yarn add @coral-xyz/anchor@0.28.0

Create an Anchor Wallet with Mobile Wallet Adapter

To create an AnchorWallet, use Mobile Wallet Adapter transact to implement the required signing functions.

import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
import {
} from "@solana-mobile/mobile-wallet-adapter-protocol-web3js";

const storedAuthToken = maybeGetStoredAuthToken(); // dummy placeholder function
const anchorWallet = useMemo(() => {
return {
signTransaction: async (transaction: Transaction) => {
return transact(async (wallet: Web3MobileWallet) => {
const authorizationResult = await (storedAuthToken
? wallet.reauthorize({
auth_token: storedAuthToken,
identity: APP_IDENTITY,
: wallet.authorize({
cluster: RPC_ENDPOINT,
identity: APP_IDENTITY,
const signedTransactions = await wallet.signTransactions({
transactions: [transaction],
return signedTransactions[0];
signAllTransactions: async (transactions: Transaction[]) => {
return transact(async (wallet: Web3MobileWallet) => {
await authorizeSession(wallet);
const signedTransactions = await wallet.signTransactions({
transactions: transactions,
return signedTransactions;
get publicKey() {
return selectedAccount.publicKey;
} as anchor.Wallet;
}, [storedAuthToken]);

Importing an Anchor Program in Typescript

Generating an Anchor Program IDL

If you have an Anchor project in your local workspace, build the program and generate the Typescript IDL with:

anchor build

If the Anchor program is already deployed and you know its address, you can use the Anchor CLI to fetch it:

anchor idl fetch GrAkKfEpTKQuVHG2Y97Y2FF4i7y7Q5AHLK94JBy7Y5yv

Instantiate your Anchor Program

Once your IDL has been generated, you can import it and create an instance of your Program in Typescript.

  • Import your generated IDL file, in this case from /target/types/basic_counter.ts
  • Use the anchorWallet from the previous step to create an AnchorProvider.
import { BasicCounter as BasicCounterProgram } from "../../basic-counter/target/types/basic_counter";
import { AnchorProvider, Program } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";

// Address of the devnet-deployed Counter Program
const counterProgramId = useMemo(() => {
return new PublicKey("5tH6v5gyhxnEjyVDQFjuPrH9SzJ3Rvj1Q4zKphnZsN74");
}, []);

// Create an AnchorProvider with the anchorWallet.
const provider = useMemo(() => {
if (!anchorWallet) {
return null;
return new AnchorProvider(connection, anchorWallet, {
preflightCommitment: "confirmed",
commitment: "processed",
}, [anchorWallet, connection]);

// Create an instance of your Program.
const basicCounterProgram = useMemo(() => {
if (!provider) {
return null;

return new Program<BasicCounterProgram>(
idl as BasicCounterProgram,
}, [counterProgramId, provider]);

Signed Transactions from your Anchor Program

With an instantiated Program, you can now:

  • Generate serialized program instructions.
  • Construct a Transaction with the generated instructions.
  • Sign the Transaction with Mobile Wallet Adapter.
import { BasicCounter } from "../basic-counter/target/types/basic_counter";
import { useCounterProgram } from "./hooks/useCounterProgram";

const storedAuthToken = maybeGetStoredAuthToken();
const { counterProgram, counterPDA } = useCounterProgram(
const signIncrementTransaction = useCallback(async () => {
return await transact(async (wallet: Web3MobileWallet) => {
const authorizationResult = await (storedAuthToken
? wallet.reauthorize({
auth_token: storedAuthToken,
identity: APP_IDENTITY,
: wallet.authorize({
cluster: RPC_ENDPOINT,
identity: APP_IDENTITY,
const latestBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();

// Generate the increment ix from the Anchor program
const incrementInstruction = await counterProgram.methods
counter: counterPDA,
authority: authorizationResult.publicKey,

// Build a transaction containing the instruction
const incrementTransaction = new Transaction({
feePayer: authorizationResult.publicKey,

// Sign a transaction and receive
const signedTransactions = await wallet.signTransactions({
transactions: [incrementTransaction],

return signedTransactions[0];
}, [storedAuthToken, connection, counterPDA]);

Submit Transactions from your Anchor Program

To submit a Transaction to RPC, you can:

  • Use the Anchor provided rpc() function to sign and submit a Transaction.
  • Create a signed transaction (like above) and manually submit to an RPC.

Using the Anchor rpc() function:

const incrementCounter = useCallback(async () => {
// Submit an increment transaction to the RPC endpoint
const signature = await counterProgram.methods
counter: counterPDA,
authority: authorityPublicKey,

return signature;
}, [counterProgram, authorityPublicKey, counterPDA]);

Manually submitting to an RPC:

Instead of submitting using rpc(), you can also choose to build the transaction and separately submit it to the RPC.

// Construct a signed transaction, then submit to RPC using web3.js `connection` client.
const signedTransaction = await signIncrementTransaction(counterProgram);