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Metaplex Integration Guide

Metaplex provides a collection of on-chain tools/programs for creating and managing NFTs on Solana. In addition, Metaplex provides multiple Client SDKs that makes it easier for developers to interact and use their on chain programs.

This guide will focus on integrating with the Metaplex JS SDK in a React Native app with Mobile Wallet Adapter.


Install the Metaplex JS package to your project.

yarn add @metaplex-foundation/js

Polyfill installation

The Metaplex JS SDK was originally written for a Browser/Node environment, so certain dependencies aren't immediately available on React Native. These polyfill libraries will fill in the missing libraries and enable React Native compatibility.

1. Install polyfills

yarn add \
assert \
crypto-browserify \
readable-stream \
zlib \

2. Add polyfills to resolver in metro.config.js

Adding the resolver property lets the Metro know which packages to substitute with when seeing a require.

module.exports = {
resolver: {
extraNodeModules: {
crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'),
stream: require.resolve('readable-stream'),
zlib: require.resolve('browserify-zlib'),
path: require.resolve('path-browserify'),
url: require.resolve('react-native-url-polyfill'),
transformer: {
getTransformOptions: async () => ({
transform: {
experimentalImportSupport: false,
inlineRequires: true,

3. Add imports to index.js

import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto'; // Add this before the 'App' import!

import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native';
import App from './App';
import {name as appName} from './app.json';

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);


Creating a Metaplex Instance

The entry point to the JavaScript SDK is a Metaplex instance that will give you access to its API. It provides a convenient API to interact with on-chain programs, simplifying actions like minting an NFT.

It accepts a Connection instance from @solana/web3.js that will be used to communicate with the cluster.

import {Metaplex} from '@metaplex-foundation/js';
import {Connection} from '@solana/web3.js';

const metaplex = Metaplex.make(connection);

Using MWA as an Identity Driver

Metaplex also allows you to further customize who the SDK should interact on behalf of, by providing an "Identity Driver". You can use the Mobile Wallet Adapter methods to implement an Identity Driver. With this provided, Metaplex SDK can request signing for transactions/messages when needed.

Create an MWA Identity Signer:

import {IdentitySigner, Metaplex} from '@metaplex-foundation/js';
import {
} from '@solana-mobile/mobile-wallet-adapter-protocol-web3js';
import {Connection, Transaction} from '@solana/web3.js';

const mwaIdentitySigner: IdentitySigner = {
publicKey: signersPublicKey,
signMessage: async (message: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array> => {
return await transact(async (wallet: Web3MobileWallet) => {
const authResult = await wallet.authorize({
cluster: RPC_ENDPOINT,
identity: APP_IDENTITY,

// Optionally, double check authResult returns the matching account to 'signersPublicKey'

const signedMessages = await wallet.signMessages({
addresses: [selectedAccount.publicKey.toBase58()],
payloads: [message],

return signedMessages[0];
signTransaction: async (
transaction: Transaction,
): Promise<Transaction> => {
return await transact(async (wallet: Web3MobileWallet) => {
const authResult = await wallet.authorize({
cluster: RPC_ENDPOINT,
identity: APP_IDENTITY,

// Optionally, double check authResult returns the matching account to 'signersPublicKey'

const signedTransactions = await wallet.signTransactions({
transactions: [transaction],

return signedTransactions[0];
signAllTransactions: async (
transactions: Transaction[],
): Promise<Transaction[]> => {
return transact(async (wallet: Web3MobileWallet) => {
const authResult = await wallet.authorize({
cluster: RPC_ENDPOINT,
identity: APP_IDENTITY,

// Optionally, double check authResult returns the matching account to 'signersPublicKey'

const signedTransactions = await wallet.signTransactions({
transactions: transactions,
return signedTransactions;

Using the Identity Driver

Then you need to wrap the implemented IdentitySigner within a MetaplexPlugin. Now you can call the use method on the Metaplex instance and supply the identity driver plugin.

The Metaplex instance requires passing in a MetaplexPlugin, so you need to first create a plugin that wraps the identity signer. Lastly, you can call the use method on the Metaplex instance and supply the identity driver plugin.

// Create a Metaplex Plugin for the identity driver
const mobileWalletAdapterIdentity = (
mwaIdentitySigner: IdentitySigner,
): MetaplexPlugin => ({
install(metaplex: Metaplex) {

// Finally, create the Metaplex instance with the identity driver.
const metaplex = Metaplex.make(connection).use(

Storage Drivers

On Browser/Node environments, the SDK also allows you to specify a "Storage Driver" that conveniently integrates various de/centralized storage options (e.g: Bundlr, IPFS, AWS), for uploading media assets and metadata.

For React Native, the usual storage driver plugins will not work. Read the note below!


The existing 3rd party storage drivers provided by Metaplex are not compatible with React Native, due to reliance on Node libraries! For example, the bundlrStorage() and nftStorage() plugins will not work and throw an error.


The workaround solution is to manually interact with the storage providers directly, without relying on a prebuilt Metaplex SDK/plugin. For example, you can upload directly to IPFS using's REST API. You can see an code example of this in the example app.

Viewing owned NFTs

Now with the Metaplex instance, you can access the nfts() module that provides easy interaction and signing with onchain programs.

const myNfts = await metaplex.nfts().findAllByOwner({
owner: metaplex.identity().publicKey

Minting an NFT

For example, to mint an NFT:

// Uses the identity driver to request signing from a wallet.
const {nft, response} = await metaplex.nfts().create({
name: 'NFT Name',
uri: '',
sellerFeeBasisPoints: 0,
tokenOwner: signersPublicKey,

The nfts() module provides plenty of other APIs. Look through the Metaplex docs for full details.