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Expo dApp Setup

Expo is a popular open-source platform that simplifies the development, building, and deployment process for React Native applications. Expo apps have their own managed development flow and utilize the Expo SDK.


All React Native guides and tutorials for the Solana Mobile SDKs are all applicable for Expo as well! After the initial setup, the development of an Expo app and a React Native app are very similar.

Expo Starter Template

The quickest option to get started with Expo development is using the Solana Mobile Expo dApp Template. Run a single CLI command to initialize an Expo app with pre-installed Solana libraries and UI components.

Initialize the template with:

yarn create expo-app --template @solana-mobile/solana-mobile-expo-template

Then follow the Running the app guide below.

Manual Installation

If you want to create a new Expo project from scratch then follow these steps. If you want to integrate an existing project with the SDK, then skip to installing the dependencies.

As a prerequisite, follow the React Native official documentation and set up your environment for Android.

Step 1: Initialize a new Expo project

npx create-expo-app

Enter your app project name then move into the newly generated folder.

Step 2: Install dependencies

yarn add \
@solana/web3.js \
@solana-mobile/mobile-wallet-adapter-protocol-web3js \
@solana-mobile/mobile-wallet-adapter-protocol \
react-native-get-random-values \
A brief overview of each dependency:
  • @solana-mobile/mobile-wallet-adapter-protocol: A React Native/Javascript API enabling interaction with MWA-compatible wallets.
  • @solana-mobile/mobile-wallet-adapter-protocol-web3js: A convenience wrapper to use common primitives from @solana/web3.js – such as Transaction and Uint8Array.
  • @solana/web3.js: Solana Web Library for interacting with Solana network through the JSON RPC API.
  • react-native-get-random-values Secure random number generator polyfill for web3.js underlying Crypto library on React Native.
  • buffer Buffer polyfill also needed for web3.js on React Native.

Step 3: Update App.js with polyfills

For Expo SDK 48 and below

For basic Expo apps, the entrypoint file is usually in the root of the project (i.e: App.js, App.tsx, index.js).

Add the following two lines to the top of the entrypoint file:

import "react-native-get-random-values";
import { Buffer } from "buffer";
global.Buffer = Buffer;
For Expo SDK Version 49+ and Expo Router

If using Expo Router and Expo SDK Version 49+ the entrypoint and polyfill setup is different. See the specific instructions below.

Polyfills: Expo SDK Version 49+ and Expo Router

If you are using Expo SDK Version 49+ and Expo Router, the expo-crypto package will replace react-native-get-random-values and you'll create your own entrypoint file for polyfilling.

Install expo-crypto

expo-crypto is an official SDK by Expo that provides the polyfill functionality we need for libraries like @solana/web3.js. See official docs for installation instructions.

npx expo install expo-crypto

Entrypoint file polyfills

In the root of your project create a new entrypoint file (i.e index.js). In this new file, you can initialize the polyfills at the top of the file.

In this case, we polyfill the global Crypto object with getRandomValues from expo-crypto.

Paste the following code:

// index.js
import { getRandomValues as expoCryptoGetRandomValues } from "expo-crypto";
import { Buffer } from "buffer";
global.Buffer = Buffer;

// getRandomValues polyfill
class Crypto {
getRandomValues = expoCryptoGetRandomValues;

const webCrypto = typeof crypto !== "undefined" ? crypto : new Crypto();

(() => {
if (typeof crypto === "undefined") {
Object.defineProperty(window, "crypto", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: () => webCrypto,

import "expo-router/entry";

Then at the end, import "expo-router/entry" to ensure the app is using Expo Router.

Update package.json entrypoint

Lastly, in package.json, update the main field to point to the new entrypoint file.

// Old entrypoint
"main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js"

// New entrypoint
"main": "index.js"

Step 4. Build and run the app

Now the project is properly installed and configured, all that's left is to build a custom development APK, install it, then launch the Expo dev client. Follow the steps on the next section.

Running the app

Custom Development Build

The traditional Expo Go development flow is only limited to certain hand-picked modules and does not support further customized native code, which Solana Mobile SDKs need.

Instead, we'll need to use a custom development build which makes Solana Mobile React Native libraries (i.e Mobile Wallet Adapter) fully compatible with Expo.

Full steps of building and running a custom development build below.

Local vs EAS builds

The eas build command deploys a job to the EAS Build service that builds your APK using Expo's build infrastructure.

You can also run the build process locally by adding the --local flag that runs, which builds and generates the APK on your computer. You'll need Android Studio and Java correctly setup for this step.

See the Expo official documentation for local builds.

Build with eas build

You can use Expo's build service to build your app with no development environment setup required. Make sure you have an Expo account and have logged in with expo login.

In the project directory, run the command:

npx eas build --profile development --platform android

After it's finished building you should receive a QR code and download URL to the apk of your app. You can download this to your emulator/device.

Install the custom development build APK

After successfully building locally, the APK should be generated and outputted to the same directory you ran the command. Install that APK into your device/emulator (drag and drop APK file into emulator).

Run the app

At this point, the APK should be installed onto your emulator or device. You can launch the app and connect it to the development client with:

npx expo start --dev-client

This will launch the template app and you can select the newly created development server. Now you can edit your code and see changes reflected immediately!