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Submit your dApp release

After minting a Publisher and App NFT, you will need to mint a Release NFT in order to submit for app review.

A Release NFT:

  • Contains metadata that represents a specific release version of an app.
  • Should be newly created each time an updated app version is submitted.

Mint a release NFT

Using the same wallet that contains your Publisher and App NFTs, run this command.

npx dapp-store create release -k <path_to_your_keypair> -b <path_to_your_android_sdk_build_tools> [-u <mainnet_beta_rpc_url>]

You will repeat this step for each new version of your dApp you want to release. The mint address of the latest release is recorded in your configuration file.


When using CLI version >= 0.8.0, the following commands will submit a Solana transaction that includes a default priority fee of 500000 lamports.

To customize this value, use param -p or --priority-fee-lamports <priority-fee-lamports>


Please make sure your network connection is reliable and has a minimum upload speed of 0.25 megabytes per second.

Submit your app

After minting a complete set of on-chain NFTs (publisher, dApp, and release), you may choose to submit them to the Solana dApp Publisher Portal, as a candidate for inclusion in the Solana dApp Store catalog:

npx dapp-store publish submit -k <path_to_your_keypair> -u <mainnet_beta_rpc_url> --requestor-is-authorized --complies-with-solana-dapp-store-policies

The two flags for this command (--requestor-is-authorized and --complies-with-solana-dapp-store-policies) are attestations from the requestor that this dApp is compliant with Solana dApp Store policies, and that they are authorized to submit this request to the Solana dApp Publisher Portal.

Wait for a decision on your app

After submitting, we’ll review your app based on our policies. Please make sure to provide a valid email address, so that we can reach out to you with any questions about your submission.