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Using Mobile Wallet Adapter

The Mobile Wallet Adapter protocol is a spec that enables a secure, communication exchange between a dApp and an MWA-compliant wallet app, installed on the device.

Mobile Wallet Adapter 2.0 is the newest and current version and the complete 2.0 spec is viewable here.

Add dependencies

The mobile-wallet-adapter-clientlib-ktx library is Solana Mobile's implementation of the Mobile Wallet Adapter protocol.

It provides a convenient API to connect, issue signing requests to a locally installed wallet app, and receive responses.

dependencies {

Instantiate MobileWalletAdapter client

The MobileWalletAdapter object provides methods to connect to wallets and issue MWA requests.

Define the ConnectionIdentity of your dApp so that the wallet app can properly display your dApp info to the user.


  • identityName: The name of your app.
  • identityUri: The web URL associated with your app.
  • iconUri: A path to your app icon relative to the app uri above.
import com.solana.mobilewalletadapter.clientlib.*

// Define dApp's identity metadata
val solanaUri = Uri.parse("")
val iconUri = Uri.parse("favicon.ico") // resolves to
val identityName = "Solana Kotlin dApp"

// Construct the client
val walletAdapter = MobileWalletAdapter(connectionIdentity = ConnectionIdentity(
identityUri = solanaUri,
iconUri = iconUri,
identityName = identityName

Managing the authToken

The MobileWalletAdapter object exposes an authToken property that it manages throughout its lifetime.

If present, the authToken is automatically used by the MWA client when issuing MWA requests (like connect, signMessages, etc). And if valid, the user is able to skip the connection approval dialog for subsequent requests.

The authToken is stored by the MobileWalletAdapter client whenever you connect to a wallet, but it can also be provided manually:

// Retrieve and use a persisted authToken from a previous session of the app.
val previouslyStoredAuthToken = maybeGetStoredAuthToken()
walletAdapter.authToken = previouslyStoredAuthToken

This is especially useful when you want to persist connections after a user closes and re-opens the app.

Establishing an MWA session

To establish a session, or 'connect', with an MWA wallet, use the transact method provided by the MobileWalletAdapter object.

Calling transact dispatches an assocication intent to a locally installed MWA wallet app and prompts the user to approve or reject the connection request.

Once connected, the user can begin issuing MWA requests and receiving responses from the wallet app. The MobileWalletAdapter object also stores, in memory, the authToken from successful connections to be used automatically subsequent sessions.

import com.solana.mobilewalletadapter.clientlib.*

// `this` is the current Android activity
val sender = ActivityResultSender(this)

// Instantiate the MWA client object
val walletAdapter = MobileWalletAdapter(/* ... */)

// `transact` dispatches an association intent to MWA-compatible wallet apps.
val result = walletAdapter.transact(sender) { authResult ->
/* Once connected, send requests to the wallet in this callback */

When the session is complete, transact returns a TransactionResult that can be unwrapped and conditioned upon to handle success and error cases.

Connecting to a wallet

If you only need to connect to a wallet and do not need to send any additional MWA requests, use the connect method from the MobileWalletAdapter client.

import com.solana.mobilewalletadapter.clientlib.*

// `this` is the current Android activity
val sender = ActivityResultSender(this)

// Instantiate the MWA client object
val walletAdapter = MobileWalletAdapter(/* ... */)

// `connect` dispatches an association intent to MWA-compatible wallet apps.
val result = walletAdapter.connect(sender)

when (result) {
is TransactionResult.Success -> {
// On success, an `AuthorizationResult` type is returned.
val authResult = result.authResult
is TransactionResult.NoWalletFound -> {
println("No MWA compatible wallet app found on device.")
is TransactionResult.Failure -> {
println("Error connecting to wallet: " + result.e.message)

On successful connection, the TransactionResult will contain an AuthorizationResult that contains the user's wallet address, authToken, etc.

What's the difference with transact and connect?

Under the hood, the connect method just calls the transact function with an empty callback, immediately returning the authResult.

suspend fun connect(sender: ActivityResultSender) = transact(sender) { }

Sign in with Solana

To connect to a wallet and simultaneously verify the user's ownership of the wallet, use the Sign in with Solana feature. SIWS combines the authorize and signMessage step and returns a SignInResult that can be verified by the dApp.

To initiate SIWS, use the signIn method and pass in a SignInPayload parameter. If provided, the wallet will display a dedicated SIWS UI and prompt the user to sign in by signing the statement message.

import com.solana.mobilewalletadapter.clientlib.*

// `this` is the current Android activity
val sender = ActivityResultSender(this)

// Instantiate the MWA client object
val walletAdapter = MobileWalletAdapter(/* ... */)

// `connect` dispatches an association intent to MWA-compatible wallet apps.
val result = walletAdapter.signIn(
SignInWithSolana.Payload("", "Sign in to Ktx Sample App")

when (result) {
is TransactionResult.Success -> {
// On success, an `AuthorizationResult` with a `signInResult` object is returned.
val signInresult = result.authResult.signInResult
is TransactionResult.NoWalletFound -> {
println("No MWA compatible wallet app found on device.")
is TransactionResult.Failure -> {
println("Error connecting to wallet: " + result.e.message)

Verifying the sign-in result

If successful, the wallet will respond with an authResult that includes a SignInResult object, which can be used for verifying the sign-in process. The SignInResult object will contain the fields outlined in the SIWS spec.

To verify the Sign-In output, use an Ed25519 library to verify that the message was correctly signed by the user's wallet. See fakedapp for an example of message verification in Kotlin or an example with javascript on server-side.

Transact after signing in

Similarly to connect, the signIn method just wraps an empty transact call and includes the provided signInPayload.

If you want to sign in to the wallet and and continue issuing additional MWA requests, then you can use the include the optional signInPayload parameter when using the transact method.

// Sign in to authorize the session, then continue issuing requests.
val result = walletAdapter.transact(sender,
SignInWithSolana.Payload("", "Sign in to Ktx Sample App")) { authResult ->
/* ..Send MWA requests.. */

Disconnecting from a wallet

A dApp can revoke authorization or disconnect from a wallet by sending a disconnect request. The wallet will invalidate the authToken stored by the MobileWalletAdapter. This will require the user to approve the connection request once again, when connecting to that wallet.

import com.solana.mobilewalletadapter.clientlib.*

// `this` is the current Android activity
val sender = ActivityResultSender(this)

// Instantiate the MWA client object
val walletAdapter = MobileWalletAdapter(/* ... */)

val result = walletAdapter.disconnect(sender)

when (result) {
is TransactionResult.Success -> {
// On success, the authToken has been successfully invalidated.
is TransactionResult.NoWalletFound -> {
println("No MWA compatible wallet app found on device.")
is TransactionResult.Failure -> {
println("Error connecting to wallet: " + result.e.message)

Alternatively, you can directly issue a deauthorize request to the wallet and provide a specific authToken to invalidate.

val result = walletAdapter.transact(sender) { authResult ->

Signing and sending transactions

To request a wallet to sign and then send a Solana transaction, use the signAndSendTransactions method. With this method, the wallet will handle both signing the transactions then submitting them to the Solana network.

For an example of building a transaction, see the 'Building transactions' guide.

import com.funkatronics.encoders.Base58
import com.solana.publickey.SolanaPublicKey
import com.solana.mobilewalletadapter.clientlib.*

// `this` is the current Android activity
val sender = ActivityResultSender(this)

// Instantiate the MWA client object
val walletAdapter = MobileWalletAdapter(/* ... */)

val result = walletAdapter.transact(sender) { authResult ->
// Build a transaction using web3-solana classes
val account = SolanaPublicKey(authResult.accounts.first().publicKey)
val memoTx = buildMemoTransaction(account, "Hello Solana!");

// Issue a 'signTransactions' request

when (result) {
is TransactionResult.Success -> {
val txSignatureBytes = result.successPayload?.signatures?.first()
txSignatureBytes?.let {
println("Transaction signature: " + Base58.encodeToString(signedTxBytes))
is TransactionResult.NoWalletFound -> {
println("No MWA compatible wallet app found on device.")
is TransactionResult.Failure -> {
println("Error during signing and sending transactions: " + result.e.message)

If successful, the TransactionResult will contain a successPayload with an array (signatures), where each item is a transaction signature serialized as ByteArray, in corresponding order to the input.

Signing messages

To request a wallet to sign a message, use the signMessagesDetached method. In this case, a message is any payload of bytes.

import com.funkatronics.encoders.Base58
import com.solana.publickey.SolanaPublicKey
import com.solana.mobilewalletadapter.clientlib.*

// `this` is the current Android activity
val sender = ActivityResultSender(this)

// Instantiate the MWA client object
val walletAdapter = MobileWalletAdapter(/* ... */)

val message = "Sign this message please!"
val result = walletAdapter.transact(sender) { authResult ->
signMessagesDetached(arrayOf(message.toByteArray()), arrayOf((authResult.accounts.first().publicKey)))

when (result) {
is TransactionResult.Success -> {
val signedMessageBytes = result.successPayload?.messages?.first()?.signatures?.first()
signedMessageBytes?.let {
println("Message signed: ${Base58.encodeToString(it)}")
is TransactionResult.NoWalletFound -> {
println("No MWA compatible wallet app found on device.")
is TransactionResult.Failure -> {
println("Error during transaction signing: " + result.e.message)

If successful, the TransactionResult will contain a successPayload with an array (messages), where each item is a signed message payload serialized as a ByteArray, in corresponding order to the input.

Signing transactions (deprecated)


The signTransactions method is deprecated according to the Mobile Wallet Adapter 2.0 specification. Wallet apps may still support this method for backwards compatibility, but it is recommended for dApps to use signAndSendTransactions instead.

To request a wallet to sign a Solana transaction, use the signTransactions method. For an example of building a transaction, see the 'Building transactions' guide.

import com.funkatronics.encoders.Base58
import com.solana.publickey.SolanaPublicKey
import com.solana.mobilewalletadapter.clientlib.*

// `this` is the current Android activity
val sender = ActivityResultSender(this)

// Instantiate the MWA client object
val walletAdapter = MobileWalletAdapter(/* ... */)

val result = walletAdapter.transact(sender) { authResult ->
// Build a transaction using web3-solana classes
val account = SolanaPublicKey(authResult.accounts.first().publicKey)
val memoTx = buildMemoTransaction(account, "Hello Solana!");

// Issue a 'signTransactions' request

when (result) {
is TransactionResult.Success -> {
val signedTxBytes = result.successPayload?.signedPayloads?.first()
signedTxBytes?.let {
println("Signed memo transaction: " + Base58.encodeToString(signedTxBytes))
is TransactionResult.NoWalletFound -> {
println("No MWA compatible wallet app found on device.")
is TransactionResult.Failure -> {
println("Error during transaction signing: " + result.e.message)

The signTransactions method accepts an array of serialized transactions and, on success, returns signedPayloads containing the corresponding signed payloads serialized as ByteArray.

Next Steps

  • Browse or clone the MintyFresh repo to reference best practices for a live, published Kotlin Solana dApp.