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Chapter 2 Element NFTs

Emerald NFTTanzanite NFTDiamond NFT


This article provides information about the Solana Mobile Chapter 2 Element NFTs. The non-transferrable Chapter 2 Element NFTs allow for the identification of wallets of referrers with the highest number of successful referrals on the Chapter 2 Leaderboard.

Solana Mobile does not currently have a rewards program in connection with the Chapter 2 Element NFTs. Ecosystem teams are entirely free to decide if (and if so, how) they wish to interact with the holders of these non-transferrable NFTs.

Element NFT holders

The Chapter 2 preorder phase launched with a referral system where users could refer others to make a deposit toward the future purchase of the Chapter Two device. The top 1500 people on the Chapter 2 Leaderboard were able to claim a soulbound, non-transferrable Element NFT.

The leaderboard rankings were determined by the referrers with the highest number of successful referrals, specifically through people preordering Chapter 2 via their unique referral links.

There were 2 snapshots taken that captured the top 1500 leaderboard ranks at a given time.

Element NFT Collections

3 sets of Element NFTs were created to award top 1500 leaderboard users during each snapshot. Additionally, they were required to be claimed by the recipient.

  • The Emerald NFT was available to claim by the top 1500 during the first snapshot.
  • The Tanzanite NFT was available to claim by the top 1500 during the second snapshot.
  • The Diamond NFT was available to claim by the top 1500 with most referrals of all time.

Within each set, the NFTs are separated by tiers of ranking 1-50, 51-500, and 501-1500. For example, a user can own both an Emerald NFT that is rank 501-1500 and also a Tanzanite NFT that has rank 51-500.

NFT Details

Collection Address

Each Element NFT contains a reference to its verified collection address.

  • Emerald NFT Collection Address: 7MMBHN5nXK1pEgK3AzaMTcSiDrXdb5AFfcQ6JGGdUGcp
  • Tanzanite NFT Collection Address: 6SfWQ7bN8JkWbqxAsdnB9N24wSNshdMjGvmArFptQScC
  • Diamond NFT Collection Address: DN2eswVVvF3r3gKTPwyXic6QgRcYaMBa52j3FqQswqYd


Each Element NFT adheres to the Metaplex Token Standard and is part of a Verified Collection.

Each NFT also contains a rank tier embedded in the NFT metadata Rank attribute with value of either "1-50", "51-500", or "501-1500".

Querying for Element NFT holders

You can follow these steps to query an Element NFT collection and save the list into a JSON file:

1. Access your RPC provider

Any RPC provider with the DAS (Digital Asset Standard) APIs should work. If you don't have one, the Helius Free plan ( should be sufficient for this query.

2. Add your API Key to the following query

import { writeFileSync } from "fs";

const DAS_API_URL = "";
const OUTPUT_FILE = out.json;

let nfts = {};

let page = 0;
while (true) {
console.log(`Fetching page ${page}`);
const response = await fetch(DAS_API_URL, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: "my-id",
method: "getAssetsByGroup",
params: {
groupKey: "collection",
page: page, // Starts at 1
limit: 100,
const { result } = await response.json();
if ( === 0) {
for (const item of result.items) {
if (item.burnt) {
console.log(`Skipping burnt token ${}`);

let rank = undefined;
for (const attribute of item.content.metadata.attributes) {
if (attribute.trait_type === "Rank") {
rank = attribute.value;
if (rank === undefined) {
throw Error(`Rank attribute not found for ${}`);
if (nfts[rank] === undefined) {
nfts[rank] = [];

console.log(`Writing to ${OUTPUT_FILE}`);
writeFileSync(OUTPUT_FILE, JSON.stringify(nfts, null, 2));

3. Specify the NFT collection

Insert the desired collection address as listed in place of the “Add address here”


4. Perform the query

Run the script to perform the query and you can find the results in the output file out.json.