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Hello World React Native Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of setting up an Android React Native project and use the Mobile Wallet Adapter Javascript library to build a simple user interface that allows you to connect to a mobile wallet, request an airdrop, and send a message to the Solana network.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have an understanding of how to use the Solana Mobile SDK to build dApps that can interact with the Solana Blockchain.

What you will learn

  • How to set up a React Native Android project and integrate the Mobile Wallet Adapter library.
  • How to use Mobile Wallet Adapter to connect to an installed wallet app.
  • How to connect to devnet, check your wallet balance, and request an airdrop of SOL.
  • How to use the memo program to write your message to the network and see your message on the blockchain!


Read the prerequisite setup guide before starting the tutorial. This tutorial will be using the fakewallet app to test your app's integration with Mobile Wallet Adapter.

Clone the tutorial repo

Clone the tutorial repo from github.

git clone
cd SolanaReactNativeTutorial

There should be two folders:

  • SolanaReactNativeTutorialStarter: A boilerplate app with the MWA packages/dependencies ready and starter code that we'll be building up throughout the tutorial.
  • SolanaReactNativeTutorialComplete: The complete version of the app and the end product of the tutorial.

First run

Move into the starter project directory, install dependencies, and try running the app.

cd SolanaReactNativeTutorialStarter && yarn install && npx react-native start

In the Metro bundler menu, select the android option to build and launch the app in your device. Make changes to MainScreen.tsx and you can see your app update immediately, due to React Native's Fast Refresh feature.

Connect to a wallet

Wallet apps manage your wallet's private key and can do actions like signing and sending transactions/messages. You will learn how use the Mobile Wallet Adapter JS library to connect your dApp to the fakewallet app.

Build a connect button

In ConnectButton.tsx:

  • Use the transact function to start a session with a wallet app.
  • Then within the session, request wallet authorization for the dApp.
  • Save the results of authorization in the parent component's state.

After successful authorization, the dApp receives an AuthorizationResult object from authorize. It contains a list of accounts and an authToken. Each account object contains useful information like the account's address (or publicKey) and account label. The authToken will be used for reauthorization in future transact's with the wallet.

In MainScreen.tsx:

  • Render the ConnectButton component below the ScrollView.
  • Create authorization state and setAuthorization within onConnect.
export default function ConnectButton({onConnect}: ConnectButtonProps) {
const onPress = async () => {
await transact(async wallet => {
// Transact starts a session with the wallet app during which our app
// can send actions (like `authorize`) to the wallet.
const authResult: AuthorizationResult = await wallet.authorize({
cluster: 'devnet',
identity: APP_IDENTITY,
const {accounts, auth_token} = authResult;

// After authorizing, store the authResult with the onConnect callback we pass into the button
address: accounts[0].address,
label: accounts[0].label,
authToken: auth_token,
publicKey: getPublicKeyFromAddress(accounts[0].address),
return (
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={onPress}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>Connect Wallet</Text>

Build a disconnect button

We also want to give the users the option to disconnect their wallet from the app. We'll use a deauthorize request to invalidate the provided authToken.

In DisconnectButton.tsx:

  • Pass in the stored authorization and, within a transact session, send a deauthorize request to the wallet for the stored authToken.

In MainScreen.tsx:

  • Conditionally render the ConnectButton or DisconnectButton.
  • Pass in onDisconnect as props, setting the stored authorization state to null.
export default function DisconnectButton({
}: DisconnectButtonProps) {
const onPress = async () => {
await transact(async wallet => {
// The deauthorize request will invalidate the authToken.
await wallet.deauthorize({
auth_token: authorization.authToken,
// Set stored authorization state to null through onDisconnect callback
return (
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={onPress}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>Disconnect Wallet</Text>

View wallet account balance

After connecting to a wallet, we'll use the connection class from useConnection to view your wallet account's SOL balance on devnet.

In MainScreen.tsx:

  • Create a balance state and call connection.getBalance(authorization.publicKey) to fetch the wallet balance from devnet.
  • Create a useEffect hook, that calls the fetches and updates the balance once connected to a wallet.
  • Conditionally render the AccountInfo component if connected to a wallet.

In AccountInfoSection.tsx:

  • The starter code includes function convertLamportToSOL because the number returned from getBalance is in units of lamport.

The starter code handles wrapping the app with a ConnectionProvider in App.tsx, enabling the useConnection hook.

export default function AccountInfoSection({
}: AccountInfoProps) {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.textContainer}>
<Text style={styles.walletBalance}>
{balance !== null
? `Balance: ${convertLamportsToSOL(balance)} SOL`
: 'Loading balance...'}
<Text style={styles.walletName}>
{authorization.label ?? 'Wallet name not found'}
<Text style={styles.walletNameSubtitle}>{authorization.address}</Text>

Request a SOL airdrop

If you try connecting to the wallet at this point, you'll notice that you have 0 SOL tokens in your balance. In order to send transactions to devnet, we'll need to fund the account by requesting an airdrop.

With RequestAirdropButton, use connection.requestAirdrop(...) to request an airdrop to your wallet's address (public key).

Then in MainScreen, render the new button and pass in fetchAndUpdateBalance(authorization) to the onAirdropComplete prop.


Unfortunately, airdropping on devnet is prone to flakiness and a request can often fail. If you are seeing a transaction confirmation error at this step, it's most likely because due to this instability.

export default function RequestAirdropButton({
}: AccountInfoProps) {
const {connection} = useConnection();

const requestAirdrop = async () => {
// SOL/Lamports will be airdropped to the wallet's address (public key).
// Use Promise.all to also fetch the latest block hash in parallel.
const [signature, latestBlockhash] = await Promise.all([
connection.requestAirdrop(authorization.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_AIRDROP),

// Confirm that the airdrop was successful.
return await connection.confirmTransaction({
signature: signature,

return (
onPress={async () => {
const result = await requestAirdrop();
const error = result?.value?.err;
if (error) {
'Failed to fund account: ' +
(error instanceof Error ? error.message : error),
} else {
// Fetch and update balance if airdrop is successful
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>Request airdrop</Text>

Record a message to the blockchain

Construct and send a transaction

After receiving an airdrop successfully, you should see your SOL balance update to 0.1. You can now pay the fee to send a transaction to record the message on the network. To do so, we'll be invoking an on-chain program called the MemoProgram.

In RecordMessageButton.tsx, create a function recordMessage that:

  • Constructs the MemoProgram Transaction.
  • Sends a signAndSendTransaction request to the wallet.
  • The wallet then signs the transaction with the private key and sends it to devnet.
// Takes in a `Buffer` type that represents the message string.
async function recordMessage(
connection: Connection,
authorization: Authorization,
messageBuffer: Buffer,
): Promise<[string, RpcResponseAndContext<SignatureResult>]> {
const [signature] = await transact(async wallet => {
// Start a wallet session with `transact` and `reauthorize` our dApp by passing in the `authToken`.
// Use Promise.all to also fetch the latest block hash in parallel.
const [authResult, latestBlockhash] = await Promise.all([
auth_token: authorization.authToken,
identity: APP_IDENTITY,

// Construct a `Transaction` with an instruction to invoke the `MemoProgram`.
const memoProgramTransaction = new Transaction({
feePayer: authorization.publicKey,
new TransactionInstruction({
data: messageBuffer,
keys: [],
programId: new PublicKey(
'MemoSq4gqABAXKb96qnH8TysNcWxMyWCqXgDLGmfcHr', // Memo Program address

// Send a `signAndSendTransactions` request to the wallet. The wallet will sign the transaction with the private key and send it to devnet.
return await wallet.signAndSendTransactions({
transactions: [memoProgramTransaction],

const latestBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
return [
await connection.confirmTransaction({
signature: signature,

View your message on explorer

If this transaction is successful, you can use the Solana Explorer to see your message on the blockchain itself.

On the success case, add an Alert to give the user the option to click a link and navigate to the explorerUrl.

'Your message was successfully recorded. View your message on Solana Explorer:',
{ text: 'View', onPress: () => Linking.openURL(explorerUrl) },
{ text: 'Cancel', style: 'cancel' },

You should now be seeing the alert after clicking the RecordMessageButton.


You've successfully recorded your message onto the Solana blockchain and created a functioning Solana Mobile dApp! 🎉

Next steps

Explore guides and SDK references to learn more and create more advanced applications. Here are some links to explore:

Sample App Collection
